Meme A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.
I was spending some time blog hopping to some of my favorite blogs, when I stopped at
A View of the Mountains and an interesting exercise. You are tagged by someone else who tags you with a letter and then you write 10 words that begin with that letter and what the word means to you.
Blackcrag tagged me with the letter R (and I'm grateful that he didn't give me something like X or Q). So here goes (and yes, if you'd like me to tag you, just drop me a comment and I'll be happy to do so).
Rain This is the first word that came to my mind when I was tagged with the letter R. I love the rain. There is something so calm, so soothing and so cleansing about the rain. When we replaced our roof, we looked into having a metal roof put on the house just to enjoy the sound of rain on it (the cost was prohibitive). I just feel so comfortable and relaxed when I sit and listen or watch the rain. Honestly, I'm not much of a sun worshipper and I think that world doesn't look its best under the harsh glare of sunlight. But after a rain shower, when the sky is still gray, all the colors are so much more vibrant, so much easier to see and enjoy. And all the plants, the grass, the trees seem somehow "happier". Thunderstorms are the best, when the rain is mixed with the thunder and the lightening in a deomonstration of nature's power. I always sleep best during a thunderstorm.
Rabbits There is something so sweet about little bunny rabbits. We had a lot of rabbits around when I was a child. Not only those that my father kept and we made pets of but the wild ones, too. Unlike today, there was hardly anyone around our house back then so the wild life was more abundent. I took four years of ballet as a little girl and my first ballet costume...yes, it was a bunny rabbit. I know gardner's probably aren't fond of them, but generally rabbits don't cause a lot of trouble and are a ton of fun to watch when they get to feeling frisky and chasing each other around.
Red The color red is bold, vibrant and beautiful. It is the mark of passion, of being bold and adventurous. The color of life. Red gets nature, in clothing, in art. It isn't timid or afraid. (And I actually look pretty good in red.) It doesn't shy away or try to be a wallflower, it is 100% in your face!
Restaurants I love dining out. Yes, I love to cook, but there is something to be said for having someone else do the cooking (not to mention the clean-up). I love the concept of fast food (although it is admittedly not the healthiest open) when I'm in a hurry or just feeling too tired at the end of a long day. I love diners and fancy sit-downs. And I can even endure the wait in line if there is something that I'm really looking forward to. I love the Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookie Dough Cheesecake from the Cheescake Factory, the buffalo chili at Spirits on the River, the salad bar at The Poplar Lodge, the spicy chicken biscuit at Bojangles.....hmmm, maybe this is because I love food!
Rebellion A little rebellion is good for the soul. That part of us that drives us to fight conformity and to find our own way, to not accept the status quo, to fight the good fight even though it would be easier to sit back and do nothing, rebelling against "the man", fighting injustice, and refusing to just go along with whatever is popular or prevalent.
Raising Arizona I love this movie! For me, its rather hit of miss with the Coen brothers, but this is a big hit. I don't care how many times I see this movie, it always makes me laugh. I realize that we are not talking about "high" cinema with this pick, but that's okay. Who says that everything of value has to be intellectual.
Rescue There are a lot of ways to be rescued or to be a rescuer. There are the "common" ways such as firefighters running into a burning building to save someone, the police offer that responds to a call, the EMTs who bring us back from the brink, the doctors, etc. But we can rescue or be rescued emotionally as well as physically. Sometimes this can be as simple as connecting with someone who makes us feel that we are special. I bet that we've all aided in the rescue of another person at some time in our life and maybe without even knowing it. Maybe it was just saying hello to someone that we passed on the street, a small gesture that let them know that they weren't invisible. The genuine thank you that we offered someone that meant more to them than we could ever guess.
Reading I have a passion for the written world. From the time my sister started to teach me to read when I was little, I was in love with it. To pick up a book and learn something new or to go on an adventure, however imaginary, that transports us from the minutia of our lives. I love crawling into a nice, hot bubble bath with a cold drink and a good book. I love the places that I can go and the people that I can meet. We can take an endless amount of journeys. We can learn so much. We can enjoy the blogs!
Roads Despite my irritation with the traffic on roads, I love the possibilities that roads give us, the places that they can take us, the journeys that await us. I used to love the road trips that me and one of my friends used to take. We might pack a lunch and spend all day driving on the parkway, pulling over at every look, piddling around in the little towns along the way, watching people and taking pictures. Or we'd drive down to Charlotte just to eat at Darryl's. Or over to Tennessee to shop at the outlets.
Rivers When I was younger and my mother went through the change of lfe, my father developed some interesting hobbies. I was really too young to understand at the time everything that was going on, but my father did and decided that my mother needed her space and we needed to be out of it. One of his hobbies was gold panning which meant going up into the mountains and find a river or creek and panning for gold. This didn't net as many goodies as his metal detecting, but they were peaceful times, playing in the cool water without a care in the world. It was almost like you could pluck a leaf from a tree, give your troubles to it and place it on the water to be carried away. There is something nearly spiritual in the sound of the water running by, skipping over the rocks. Even though, as an adult, I'm not much of an outdoors person, the memory of playing in the untamed water while my father panned for gold brings a smile to my face.