Thursday, May 31, 2007

One of Those Stories That Are Funny When It's Not Happening to You!

A friend of mine sent me a link regarding something rather humorous that happened to them. And in the spirit of sharing a good laugh, I'm sharing it with you:

Hope you get a good laugh!


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tag, I'm it!

Dagoth was kind of enough to "tag" me with a meme despite my long absence from the blogging world! So here are the rules of being tagged by this meme.

* Post a similar post like this one and add a link back to the person who tagged you.
* List 5 reasons why you blog about the things you blog on your blog.
* Choose your 5 tag ‘victims’ and tag them nicely.
* Write a comment on their blog letting them know that you tagged them.

So here are my 5 reasons about why I blog about the things I blog about or why I blog at all:

1) Because I can!

2) I like the informality of the blogging world....well at least a good part of it...there are "famous" blogs out there where people really dedicate a lot of time in getting their blog just right, are speaking for or against something, using it as a vehicle of some sort for something rather important or relevant. For me, the blog generally lets me off the hook for all those things. I can just sit down and write something, anything just so I can be writing but can do without obsessing over exactly how it it good prose, etc? I can just vent about something that bothers me without the worry of am I getting it right. There are things on my blog, that I'm very proud of (the poems), but I don't spend endless (read pretty much no) time editing my posts and so on.

3) I like dropping by my favorite blogs and seeing what my blogging friends are up to and I like them dropping by my blog and checking in. It's unlikely that I'll meet most of the people who come by to "see" me (the obvious exceptions are those I already knew who drop on by). But that's okay...they're still my friends. I like the stories and pictures that they share and I miss them when they're absent for a long time. I find it very cool that people from all over the world stop by even when it's just to say hello...or where have you been??

4) I've always liked writing. I don't have nearly enough time to dedicate to writing so blogging gives me an outlet to at least write something. I like being able to just run on about whatever is on my mind and it's satisfying when I do write something that I'm proud of and it's nice when someone stops by and they appreciate it as well.

5) Anyone who knows me, knows that I generally always have something to say...and it's good to have a place and go say it.....whatever it happens to be.

Now, on to the tagging portion of this post:





Spider Girl

So there you have it! I hope you enjoyed this small distraction in life!

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Sunday, May 27, 2007

What's Been Going On

Wow......has it really been that long since my last post? Ok...yes, really has. At first...I was trying to ponder what to write for the big "100" post (although for reasons I am sure that I will never figure out, blogger double posted my last post and now thinks this is post 101). Should I write something politically or socially relevant or maybe I'll finally come up with a new poem? It seemed momentous that I had reached (although it took me longer than I thought) my 100th post. Well, felllow bloggers, instead of something inspriring, you get a "catch-up" post. (Which I in in way, shape or form claim is going to be either brilliant or interesting!).

While I was doing all this pondering, I was assigned to a new multi-divisional team. The short of this means a lot more work. First came the three day trip to the sales conference in Sarasota. I now know what their aiport looks like and saw the water from the hotel room. Work-related trips tend to be a big of a drag since you rarely get to see anything outside of the hotel (since we have our meetings where we stay). You might get to have a meal that isn't at the hotel (we had dinner 3 miles from the hotel) so even if there are wonderful sights to be seen they go unseen by us. Then there was the almost two day trip to Boston (up one morning, back the next evening) so I almost got to see the Boston airport. I got myself up & to the airport before the butt crack of dawn and managed to make it to the plane where at take-off time we were still sitting at the gate with the door open. Looking around, the plane is full so they aren't making us wait for some last minute person to run up the stairs and find their seat. After a host of people come off and on the plane huddling in the cockpit, someone finally tells us that there is a small mechanical problem (a light isn't working) and that instead of making us wait on the plane, we're unloading and going back in (this was in the post-Jet Blue Valentines week debaucle....we actually took Jet Blue to New York and it was great so I was sad to hear that they had such terrible issues) and even though they anticipated a very small delay they would start working on alternate connections just in case. They were very effeciently working on those who had the earliest connections (and I'm actually not being sarcastic) while waiting for the mechanic and were almost up to me when the mechanic showed up.....where he proceeded to begin taking larger sections of the plane apart....flight cancelled. And there were so few connections and remaining spots, that it became useless to even attempt to go. The bottom has had me very busy trying to manage all my new duties along with the ones that I already had.

Then came the parental situation. My mother "tripped" over an extension cord and hurt her leg one Friday evening. She refused to go the emergency room, preferring the urgent care center which meant waiting until Saturday. They did an x-ray to discover that she had broken her leg at some point (though she has no clue when it happened as she was never treated for a break) but couldn't tell what was wrong with her leg now. This meant waiting until Tuesday to see the Bone & Joint doctor's who agreed that the x-ray didn't show anything and scheduled her for a CAT scan on Thursday. On Wednesday, we found out that she never tripped. Her neighbor was with her when she "tripped" and came over while my brother was at the house and said that she just stood up and the leg gave way....why she felt the need to tell us that she tripped when she didn't....who knows. Her neighbor, and friend, used to be a nurse and heard my mother coughing while talking to my brother and said that we needed to take her to the ER. So my brother and I spent the night in really uncomfortable chairs, getting really aggravated with the way these things work. They decided that they wanted to admit her (her O2 level was about 80 and her BP was around 85/58), but that they couldn't...her regular doctor had to do it (?????). They don't do admitting in the middle of the night, but use a different practice to handle after they got there, asked her the same 1000 questions for like the 100th time, they admitted her into the Heart Tower saying she had heart failure. So nothing could be done about her leg and after 5 days in the HT they decided she didn't have heart failure, but that between the leg trauma and the lung infection, her heart became stiff from all the work. So they finally manage to do the surgery on her leg, move her to the rehab hospital where she gets an infection and is sent back to the hospital (another night in the ER) where she stays for several days, then back to the rehab hospital and eventually home (after about 45 days) where she's still taking PT. Whew....

In the meantime, we still have her dog. An 11 pound mini-schnauzer that's blind in one eye, has a heart murmer, a skin condition and an issue with incontinence. She has cut down on how much she chews on our dog's ears, but the cat is still pissed off. And my mother spends 1/2 her time worrying that her dog won't remember who she I arrange visits when possible so the little dog can remember where her home really is.

So I've been busy with a lot of necessary, but not necessarily fun or interesting things. But such is life sometimes.

On the up side, I am getting very excited about finally getting to take our honeymoon! And we're taking the trip I have always wanted to take for my Alaskan cruise. For as long as I can remember having a preference about this I've said, "If I ever get married, I'm taking an Alaskan Cruise and if my husband wants to come, well that'll be nice, too." We leave here on 6/29 for Seattle with my sister driving us to Vancouver the next day to hop aboard the big boat for our cruise! And now, there will be all the planning for that, but that's planning that I will very much be looking forward to!