I'm tired and I feel like complaining, so here are some things that annoy me:
1) T.V. shows that just stop. Two shows from last season that ended on huge cliffhangers and whose return I've been awaiting have been cancelled with no more new episodes (Invasion & Surface). Next thing you know, Lost will be unceremoniously ended without any resolution.
2) People who don't understand how to use the turn lane. It's there for you to get into PRIOR to needing to turn to keep you from screwing with the rest of traffic. Don't slow down in the fast lane and then just cut across the turn lane when you get to where you need to turn.
3) People who pull out in front of you (especially when it's clear for miles behind you) and then either a) suddenly need to go slow after just achieving warp speed to pull in front of you or 2) go 15 feet, slam on their brakes and turn.
4) People who tailgate. This is especially annoying when you're already going 20 miles over the speed limit. Also very annoying when the car in front of you is holding you up and you can't get around them either. Guess what? Getting on my tail and flashing your lights isn't going to make the guy in front of me go any faster.
5) The person, who when you're talking, always has a better story than the one you're telling. No matter what you've done or experienced, they always have a story where their experience is better/worse/whatever. You can never share anything that they don't have to achieve one upsmanship.
6) People who think that they're better than you.
7) The cable going out in the middle of your favorite show or right as something important is about to be revealed.
8) Insomnia.
9) Discovering that there is no chocolate in the house (okay this is more tragedy than annoyance).
10) Close talkers. Sorry, but I need a certain amount of personal space. This is really annoying when it's someone you either don't know or don't know well....especially in business because it's even harder to tell them to get the (bleep) out of your space.
Okay--I'm sure that there are tons more things that annoy me, but I'm more tired than cranky now, so I'm going to bed.