Sunday, September 17, 2006

Where Does The Time Go?

I can't believe how long it's been since I've managed a post! I was going to post one night but I got extremely aggravated trying to post comments to beta sites (with no success) and just ended up giving up on blogger for the evening. I've thought about posting at least a dozen times with some of the random thoughts (most of which now elude me) I was having at the time, but I either don't have the time or the energy (yes, it is sad that I lacked the basic energy required for typing!). And I've terribly missed visiting all my favorite blogs and see what is going on with everyone.

I haven't signed up for the new beta version of blogger and I will probably only go on to the new version when I'm forced to do so. One of our IT guys at works refers to upgrades as "taking a system that works and turning it one that doesn't". I remember when we got our new primary system. It was a nightmare. Before they started programming they were nice enough to ask for our feedback, but it wasn't enough. One of my suggestions was that whoever was going to be programming should learn how we lowly end users actually used the system before they went to work. Later, MUCH later (as in after it was too late), a guy from the team said that they should have done as I had suggested. And I did a lot of beta testing when they rolled the system out. Everyone but me got the best, most stable (and I use that term very loosely) and I got the latest beta version of the system. I seemed to have some sort of special gift....if there was a bug in the system, I was going to be the one who found it. After days of pulling my hair out, cursing the system, and pounding on my keyboard they would take all my feedback and use it it put out a better version of the system and then give me the next beta version. My productivity was at an all time low. When you're doing something that should take 10 minutes and it takes 90 minutes (and that doesn't include all the time I spent documenting), you tend to be a little on edge and become a huge promoter of workplace violence. This was one of the times that it was lucky for all involved that the primary architects of the system lived 3,000 miles away. It made impetuous, revenge killings unlikely.

As for everything else, life is divided neatly into two things: Work and Wedding. If I'm not worried or doing something for one, I'm doing something for the other....and usually worrying about both. We're short staffed at work right now for two reasons: we have one person out on maternity leave in one group and the work load for another group has tripled while the number of people have remained the same. There are lots of things that need my attention, but most of them aren't getting it. It's really a case of which fire is the biggest and trying to help the groups wherever I can and trying to keep the stress for everyone else as low as I can. Some days it doesn't feel like I help very much, but I do what I can. The Wedding will be here before I know it and I'm terrified that I'm going to forget something major! And I'm constantly amazed about how stressed out you can get about something that really isn't all that important! But such is life.

I'll try not to be such a stranger in blogland, but don't give up on me if the posts are less frequently until after the wedding!


Blogger Hope said...

Dagoth: I wasn't thinking about the wedding in general, but some of the little details in getting it done! But I'm still alive and kicking! :-)

8:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Hope!! I'm glad to hear from you! I was also thinking about you the other day and wondered what you're up to. Glad you're ok!

missy xx

12:52 AM  
Blogger Hope said...

Missy: Stressed to the gills, but still alive and kicking! Thanks for thinking about me!

8:20 PM  

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