I don’t think that it’s any big secret that I am addicted to television…I don’t consider it to be a problem…I revel in my addiction. Although, I have to say that it has been a long time since I’ve had so many shows that are on my “must watch” list. There have been times that despite how much the TV was on, there were only one or two shows that demanded my attention when they were on…that list has grown longer.
But first, a word about the shows that I’ve lost in the past year or so (ok…I should have aired my gripes in this area a long time ago…but it wasn’t like I was current with my blogging).
The two shows I miss the most:
Jericho. The great “nut” incident did garner this show 8 more mid-season episodes. And CBS was kind of enough to bring it to some sort of conclusion (while simultaneously leaving it open ended enough to resume should they want to). This was a greater courtesy than is normally extended (somewhere in my blog I think I complained about how both Surface and Invasion just stopped with huge cliffhangers that were never resolved). This show was rather dark, but it was also smart and clever.
Stargate Atlantis. This show finally seemed to grow up and come into its own and probably had two more good seasons in it, but instead Sci-Fi took the cancellation cleaver to it. More disappointingly, the buzz on the new entry into the franchise sounds a lot like the worst of the Star Trek shows (Voyager). Maybe they were afraid of letting this show linger too long like they did with its predecessor and elected instead to cut it down too soon. When they finally ended SG-1, they did it with an incredibly disappointing series finale (it wouldn’t have been a good regular episode). They did not repeat the mistake with Atlantis…giving it a decent send-off.

Other shows I miss:
Pushing Daisies. I guess that I knew show was doomed from the beginning, but I was hoping it would make it. Truthfully, I stopped watching before the end actually came because the buzz was it was going to end with a huge cliff-hanger and I just couldn’t manage it.
Moonlight & Shark
Now, all the stuff that I’m watching:
Chuck. The premise of this show is ridiculous, but the great thing is that they know it and they never take themselves too seriously.
Heroes. The first season of this show is still the best, but this season is much better than last season. It’s clever and has a great cast.
24. In some ways, the show is always exactly the same from season to season and in the real world, we could never tolerate Jack Bauer. But it still works.
Fringe. Either you will love this show or you won’t. If you were an X-Files fan, you should sign up.
Lost. This may be the only show that ever “umjumped the shark”. Another show that there’s just no middle ground with.
Eleventh Hour. Part X-Files, part CSI. Interesting & smart.
Primeval. BBC America’s offering to the Sci-fi genre. Clever even though the accents are sometimes difficult (thanks to the creators of closed captioning).
The Closer. Normally shown as a summer show that they decided to show this on Monday's against 24 and Heroes---good thing for Saturday repeats.
Burn Notice. Another one that also shows in the summer, but who threw out several episodes mid-season...fortunately they picked their time slot a bit better. Slick and entertaining.
Sons of Anarchy. I almost didn't watch this show and there are some reasons to not watch it, but it's well-written & well-acted. Katey Segal like you've never seen her...and she's brilliant.
Other Shows I enjoy:
Sanctuary. Not the best of the Sci-Fi channel offerings, but good to see Amanda Tapping and the show did get better as it went along.
Bones. I actually really enjoy this show, but tend to forget when it’s on. Good story lines and great cast chemistry.
Said goodbye on own:
House. Just don’t care anymore. Once they started the competition for his new staff, it stopped being interesting. Tried to watch for awhile, but not worth the effort.