Sunday, October 21, 2007

Random Bits

Campaign/Election: Is it over yet? And remind me, are they campaigning for the 2008 or 2012 election...they start so early now.

Baseball: Well, at least if the Braves didn't make it to The World Series neither did the Yankees!

Joe Torre: I hope he told Steinbrenner to kiss his ass when he turned down their offer.

Halloween: The best time of year to watch movies on TV.

Future Outlook: Time to build the bunker and stock up on emergency supplies.

TV: Heroes, Chuck, Pushing Daisies (weird, offbeat and I keep coming back from more to try and decide if I actually like it or not), Criminal Minds (holding up well post-Mandy Patikin).

Milestones: First Wedding Aniversary!

Dieting: Still sucks, some progress (which Anniversary dinner probably ruined).

Pets: When will the dog stop digging up the yard.

Ann Coulter: The anti-Christ? Nah, not smart or clever enough.

Book I want to read: When a Crocodile Eats the Sun?

Shopping Days to Christmas: Can't even think about it!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Autumn Reigns

We have come to my favorite time of year...Autumn! The cool mornings are a refreshing blessing with the heart of the day free of the heat and humidity that drug me down over the summer, its suffocating weight on my chest. And as I deal with the cold much better than the heat, I don't even mind that fall means that winter is just around the corner. Of course, winter has changed so much since I was a child that it seems a bare skeleton of it's former self. I remember when it used to SNOW...I mean really snow. Now, winter has been reduced to two, maybe three, half-hearted dustings. And it never seems to get cold for very long's like a long fall or a really early spring.

I guess there are advantages to the reduced snow fall...after all, as a kid, I never had to worry about getting myself anywhere...if it snowed, the schools were closed. As a grown-up (more or less), work doesn't close like the schools and attendence is generally required in all weather conditions. Which is why I love the AWD on the Subaru since driving in inclement weather is not one of my favorite things to do. But some real snowfall might help alleviate the extreme drought that we've been in...well, for years with no real signs of getting any better.

To be honest, I don't know if it's global warming or just some weather cycle that has led to the decrease in rain and snow and the warmer temperatures or maybe it's a combination of both, but it would be nice if, just once, we could get enough snow to make a real snowman without having to gather the snow from the entire yard!

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