Thursday, July 20, 2006

A to Z of Me Meme

A little while back, Dagoth published this meme so I thought I would give it a shot. Oh....and he tagged everyone on the planet to do this meme....I wonder if he knows that means that he has to read all of them!

Allergies As a kid, I was allergic to bees and that was it. The older I get the more allergies
I get. Oh joy!

Baseball Particularly the Atlanta Braves (and yes, I know they've hoovered for most of the

Cats Although, yes, I have developed allergies to them as well. But I wouldn't trade my
my big cat for anything...except maybe some chocolate.

David I am marrying him come October so I guess he rates a mention along with our dog.

Extremly opinionated Kind of speaks for itself!

Favorite smells Garlic cooking, the world after it rains, some flowers.

God I'm a believer!

Housecleaning I hate it!

Ice Cream Chocolate....does it have chocolate in it?

Jokes Sometimes...depends on my mood.

Kids Do the four legged ones count?

Love The most wonderful thing in the world if it's not breaking your heart.

Movies Love them, love them, love them.....I could go on forever listing the ones I love (and
the ones I hate).

Numbers Not my friend..never all that good at math.

Omni No clue...just popped into my head!

Pasta If they ever declare it a diet food....I'm in business!

Quitting Time One of the best times of the day!!!!!

Rebellion Can be good for the soul!

Shrimp I don't think dinner filled me up....several food references...oh wait, I love food!

Temper Better at controlling it the older I get, but when I blow, the paint will peel!

Universe I am amazed by how big it is, how small we are and how little we really now.

Vegetables I've heard of them! I'm trying to get better but those force feeds as a kid still
haunt me.

Wisdom There isn't enough in the world (kind of like common sense), but I hope that I
achieve some one day!

X-Ray Vision's not all its cracked up to be!

Yelling Can be very cathartic....primal scream therapy and all that, yelling along with the
radio at a very high volume.

Zero Tolerance for stupidity.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Hope! Every time I see a meme, I tell myself... "ooh, that looks fun, I think I'd do that!!" Then it gets lost in me and sometimes when I'm stuck with nothing to write, I remember a cool meme I saw ages ago but can't remember where I found it :-)

4:54 AM  
Blogger Dagoth said...

Hi Hope

I found this on several sights just surfing the blogosphere one day but I did all the same keywords that they did. You have created a new meme by changing all the words. Now you have me wondering what I would come up with if I used my own words for each letter. I may have to do this one again...

My "O" would change your "Omni" to "Omnivore", there are few foods that are safe around me, even vegetables...

Congratulations on your "D"...:)

8:56 AM  
Blogger Hope said...

Missy: They are quite cool, but I have to admit that I get stuck on them sometimes and end of abandoning them. And sometimes...there just isn't enough time to get them done.

Dagoth: Hmmm..I thought the point was to make up all news ones...does this mean I have to do this again?

1:32 PM  
Blogger Dagoth said...

Hi Hope

I think you're all good...In fact I like the way you did it...No worries mate...

2:51 PM  

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