Thursday, July 06, 2006

Time, Sweet Time

All I really need is for the day to be twice as long with none of that extra time spent at work and not need any additional sleep and I think that I'll be that really so much to ask for?

It really does seem like there just isn't enough time to get everything done that needs to be done and have any time left for "a life".

Despite being a royal pain of late, my job really isn't all that bad...there are lots of things about my job that I really enjoy (and others that make Chinese Water Torture or bamboo under fingernails seem like a day at the park). Lately, it has been taking its toll on me....because there just isn't enough time to get done what needs to be done. I have this amazing stack of crap on my desk...that I intend to tackle every day. But there is always other stuff that pops up that need more immediate attention. Basically the biggest fire gets the attention. And I have the feeling that somewhere in that stack of crap, something important is lurking about, something that is going to end up biting me in the butt with teeth like Jaws on steroids. And we're trying to hire people....and you know what, there are a lot of people out there who really don't want to work. And interviewing them...well, it takes time...time I don't have. (And yes, I would very much like some cheese with my whine!) And then they tell you all the times that they don't/can't work or parts of the job that they would really rather not do, but they would still really like the job (????). Some of them are clever enough to LIE during the interview and then later you find out about all the things that they are entitled to...people its a JOB, you are entitled to a paycheck for doing the work that we hired you to do. But they don't want to do things they don't like...join the club! I don't like every single aspect of my job, either! Don't give me wrong, not everyone that I work with is like this. There are really great people where I work, who show up and give it their all most of the time....hey, we can't give 100% all of the time. I worry about anyone who can.

I'd like more time to work on the house and lots more time to spend with my friends! I'd like more time to soak in a nice, hot bubble bath with a good book, plenty of candles and a frosty beverage. I'd like more time to blog, to be creative, to write. I'd like more time to watch baseball and silly t.v. shows. I'd like more time to be lazy! I'd like to have more time to take classes and learn new things. I'd like more time to read (and okay...I actually would like more time to sleep). I'd like more time to try new recipes and surf the web! And so on and so...I'd just like more time!


Blogger blackcrag said...

I have often said I could do everything I ever need to do, want to do, or ought to do if I didn't need sleep. That's all.

Another six to eight productive hours are all we need in our modern living to do everything that is expected of us. Aint it grand?

But I guess it's better than the options, isn't it?

1:08 AM  
Blogger Josh said...

I here you. Just a few more hours sure would be nice. Although I am not sure I would fill it with what I should. They also need to slow down this whole aging process while they are at it.

4:42 PM  
Blogger Dagoth said...

Hi Hope

I did work at work today, it's probably the first work I've done in two weeks. It seems most of my job anymore is to fling work at other people. It's gotten to the point where I'm so busy flinging work at people that I have no time to do any of my own work. Whether it's at home or at work, it seems to be the same thing, put out the biggest fires first...

7:55 PM  
Blogger Hope said...

Blackcrag: The thing I like about sleep is dreams. Not all of them, but sometimes they are awesome and magical.

Liz: Slow down the aging process? Amen, sister!!

Dagoth: I need a bigger fire extinguisher and more ammo!

12:49 PM  

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