Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Big City

For some reason when I was a kid I had this irrational fear that the world would end if I went to NYC. I don't know how this notion got into my head....some story that I heard, some book I read or some movie that I watched....who knows. Well, I made it NYC and as far as I can tell, the world didn't end.

The sweet sixteen party we went to was great fun (I even got the hubby to slow dance) and everyone seemed to have a good time. Where I come from, turning 16 didn't get a huge party (or maybe not even a small one), but this is New York that we're talking about! Lots of good music, lots of good food and lots of good people having fun!

And we actually made it into the city! It was a whirlwind trip, but it was great fun! We took the train into Penn Station and walked to the Empire State Building and ponied up the $18 a person to go to the 86th floor. The view and the perspective from up there are fabulous. From there we walked to Saint Patrick's Cathedral (proof that humans can produce something other than creative ways to kill each other), by Rockerfeller Center and the ice skaters, by Radio City Music Hall & into Times Square before taking the train back to have dinner with the rest of the family.

Now that I'm fairly certain the world won't actually end, I'd love to go back....see a Broadway show, catch a baseball game in historic Yankee Stadium, take a buggy ride through central park, go to FAO Schwartz and play on the giant keyboard and about a thousand other things!


Blogger Dagoth said...

Hi Hope

So it was you that caused hell to freeze over...(i.e. here)...:)
Sounds like you had a wonderful time in the big apple. For some reason I've never had any desire to go to, or live in, a large city like that. Any time I've gone to one I was happy to just pass on thru...Glad you had a good time though...

8:05 PM  
Blogger Spider Girl said...


I've heard that New York City can be a very fun place, despite all its traffic and big city chaos. I used to think I wouldn't be fond of visiting the Great Big Cities of the world, but so far I've had fun in all the ones I've ventured to!

Maybe its the Broadway shows and things like that...I love that sort of thing.

9:15 PM  
Blogger Hope said...

Dagoth: Yep--that was me! I would never want to live there!

spider girl: I hope that we get to go back so we can catch a show!

9:18 PM  
Blogger missy said...

Hi Hope, how're you? I have been away on blogland for ages!

I see that you have, too... come back!

Happy Easter!

3:32 AM  
Blogger blackcrag said...

Hey Hope, is everything all right with you?

5:49 PM  
Blogger Hope said...

Hi Guys! Sorry to have been away so long...I'm trying to get back in the swing of things...finally had to get a google account and now its giving me trouble just trying to put comments on other blogs!!! Thanks for thinking about me and hopefully, I'll be happy blogging again!!!!

12:54 PM  
Blogger missy said...

I'd love to see New York! Maybe this summer...

3:53 PM  
Blogger Starfire said...

Hi Hope

I hope you realise that the world has ended but this new one's just that little bit better! New York's great- I find big cities sound scary, but they just make so many more things possible with all their resources. In fact, it could be said they're even better to visit than to live in.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Dagoth said...

Hi Hope

Come over to my blog... Cuz I've missed you sooooo much I just had to tag you...

10:38 AM  

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