Sunday, April 23, 2006


I'm not sure exactly why I started I blog, but I felt very satisfied about having done it. But I wonder why any of us blog. It would seem that by putting something in such plain public view that at some level, we feel like we have something to share. But does anyone notice? Are people seeing what we have to say, but just aren't commenting? Or are they not seeing at all? As I've scrolled through some of the other blogs, I notice that there are many out there with few or no comments. Is it that no one finds that they have to say as being interesting or is no one looking? I've dropped a comment or two myself...hoping to fill in some of the immense space that is out there.


Blogger That Guy said...

Because I host my blog on my own domain, I can measure the number of visitors that I get daily, weekly, monthly. Heck, I can even tell you IP addresses...

I get about 1700 hits per week. I am overjoyed if I get more than 2 comments on anything I say.

So, I guess I have no answer to your question. I think the internet is more about watching someone be themselves without interfering. Many blog readers are in a way, social voyeurs.

9:36 PM  

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